Who was Gbenga Richards? Popular Nollywood actor passes away

Publish date: 2024-05-25

At 60, famous Nollywood actor Gbenga Richards passed away on May 12, 2022. Reports say that he died after a long battle with diabetes and other illnesses.

He was facing a hard time as he had difficulty raising funds to cure his illness. More information on his funeral has yet to be released, and his family members have yet to issue an official statement.

Everything we know about Gbenga Richards

Gbenga Richards first appeared as an actor to represent Nigeria with Hubert Ogunde at the Second World Black and African Festival of African Culture (FESTAC) in 1977.

He appeared in several successful movies like Sango, Mirror in the Sun, Betrayal by Love, Fighting Machine, and others. He was married to Florence Richards for 15 years and although they were in the film industry as a couple, they played different roles.

A symposium was organized by the Nollywood Creative Minds Forum in Lagos on May 11 where Florence spoke to reporters on why she has been mostly inactive in the industry and what has been going on with her marriage to Gbenga. She claimed that Gbenga absconded from home in June 2021 and never returned.

Gbenga was well-known for his powerful voice and acting skills. He said in an interview,

"I don't think there is anything I have done I would single out as my biggest success. All I know is I have done quite a lot, and I have made impression on the minds of people, and a lot of people still remember me by them. My best is yet to come because I am still under-utilized."
Gbenga Richards appeared in many successful Nollywood movies (Image via esho_abay/Twitter)

He was suffering from various ailments including diabetes. A few of his colleagues also cooperated in getting him some help. Emmanuel Ehumadu requested assistance and raised donations through his Instagram profile. He wrote,

"There are so many veteran Nollywood actors who are dying in silence. After there are contributions to the growth of Nollywood and the nation, they end up in pain and penury over any illness. Gbenga Richards need our help. Let's not wait until he's dead to post his pictures, write RIP (rest in peace) on his wall and look for who to blame."

Further details about his family, educational background, career, and personal life are yet to be revealed.

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