Where to find Njords Tempest Leviathan Axe Light Runic Attack

Publish date: 2024-05-19

Apart from the regular moves that players perform in the game, Kratos can also use Light and Heavy Runic Attacks in God of War Ragnarok. These don't consume mana but come with a considerable cooldown time.

All three weapons that Kratos uses in God of War Ragnarok have Heavy and Light Runic Attacks associated with them. The Njord's Tempest is a move that falls under the second category and is for the Leviathan Axe. The Rune for this attack can be found in Althjof's Rig. Here's a quick guide on how to collect this item in the game.

God of War Ragnarok Njord's Tempest Light Runic Attack's location for Leviathan Axe

A Legendary Chest containing this Rune can be collected after destroying the second mining rig in Althjolf's Rig. Once the mining rig is taken care of, here's what you need to do:

What does Njord's Tempest Light Runic Attack do in God of War Ragnarok?

While most Light Runic Attacks stun or debuff the enemy to a certain degree, the Njord's Tempest dishes out substantial damage dealer. It offers two stacks of damage and one stack of Frost debuff so gamers can have an easier time going through foes. It also comes with a cooldown of 99 seconds.

Not only does this Runic Attack dish out a decent amount of damage, it also serves as an amazing crowd-control move in God of War Ragnarok. Its efficacy depends on the playstyle that a player wishes to adopt in the game. As mentioned earlier, a plethora of Heavy and Light Runic moves are available for the Leviathan Axe in the game.

While Heavy Runic Attacks deal a lot of damage, they have a substantially longer cooldown time compared to Light Runic Attacks. However, the fact that the latter moves can be used more frequently in battles makes them a great choice for players who are just starting out in God of War Ragnarok.

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