How to fix, possible reasons, and more

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Year 8 for Rainbow Six Siege began on a fairly normal note as Y7S4 continues to progress with its newest map and Operator. Like every other multiplayer game, Siege is also prone to technical issues that can hamper the overall gaming experience.

A freezing and stuttering issue has recently surfaced in the title, with many players struggling to maintain decent performance on their systems, especially on PCs. This could be happening due to various reasons related to the game's system requirements itself, or a technical issue that could potentially be resolved by simpler methods.

This article will explore the freezing and stuttering issues for Rainbow Six Siege, while also providing a few solutions that may help you to possibly fix them.

How to stop Rainbow Six Siege from freezing every few seconds

Before looking at solutions, players may wish to understand the different causes of the game freezing or stuttering frequently. One of the most common reasons that may cause Rainbow Six Siege to freeze is high CPU usage. Here's how you can detect high CPU usage after running Siege:

Checking on the game's CPU usage (Image via Sportskeeda)

To fix this heavy CPU utilization, players can try out this simple method that may help them run Siege without freezing. Here's what they need to do:

Change Rainbow Six Siege's affinity from Task Manager and then revert back (Image via Sportskeeda)

As an additional step, players can also set the priority of the .exe file to 'above normal,' which should result in optimal performance. Before doing so, players must be aware of their CPU usage and ensure that it's within a stable range.

What causes Siege to potentially freeze or stutter?

Along with high CPU usage, a computer might also go through many other issues that could cause such stuttering and freezing. One of the most common reasons is a high CPU or GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) temperature. Keeping the system's essential hardware in check is of vital importance.

Furthermore, the usage of low-end storage devices may also lead to such issues. Players are advised to use an SSD (Solid State Drive) to play Siege instead of a regular HDD (Hard Disk Drive), which should ensure smooth functioning.

The solutions mentioned above will likely reduce the number of stuttering and freezing issues that players are experiencing in Siege.

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