10 Fun Things to Do in Kirkwall

Publish date: 2024-04-30

Kirkwall, the capital of the Orkney Islands in Scotland, is a charming and picturesque destination that offers a myriad of exciting activities for visitors. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, nature lover, or simply looking for a memorable experience, Kirkwall has something to offer for everyone. In this article, we will explore ten delightful things to do in Kirkwall, guaranteed to make your trip an unforgettable one.

1. Explore the St Magnus Cathedral

Immerse yourself in the rich history of Kirkwall by visiting the iconic St Magnus Cathedral. This stunning medieval structure, built in the 12th century, is a true architectural masterpiece. Marvel at its towering spires, intricate stained glass windows, and beautifully carved stone details. Take a guided tour to learn about the fascinating stories and legends associated with this magnificent cathedral.

2. Wander the Streets of the Old Town

Take a leisurely stroll through Kirkwall’s charming Old Town and discover its hidden gems. Admire the well-preserved historic buildings, quaint shops, and inviting cafes. Don’t forget to explore the narrow alleyways and charming courtyards that add to the town’s unique character. Keep an eye out for local artisans and craftsmen showcasing their talents.

3. Visit the Orkney Museum

For a glimpse into Orkney’s rich heritage, head to the Orkney Museum. Located within the walls of Tankerness House, this fascinating museum showcases a diverse collection of artifacts and exhibits, highlighting the island’s archaeological treasures and maritime history. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about the Vikings and the Neolithic era, which played a significant role in shaping Orkney’s culture.

4. Take a Boat Trip to the Old Man of Hoy

Embark on a thrilling boat trip from Kirkwall and journey towards the stunning sea stack known as the Old Man of Hoy. This colossal rock formation, standing at over 450 feet tall, offers a breathtaking spectacle. Get your camera ready to capture the striking beauty of this natural wonder and keep an eye out for diverse marine life during your journey.

5. Immerse Yourself in Naval History at the Scapa Flow Visitor Centre

If you’re interested in naval history, a visit to the Scapa Flow Visitor Centre is a must. Learn about the strategic role played by Scapa Flow during both World Wars and explore the fascinating exhibitions showcasing artifacts, photographs, and interactive displays. You’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the island’s significant contributions to maritime history.

6. Discover the Italian Chapel

Marvel at the remarkable Italian Chapel, a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of WW2 Italian prisoners of war. Constructed from scrap materials in the most unlikely of places, this ornate chapel is a true work of art. Admire its intricate paintings, beautifully crafted altar, and detailed frescoes. This symbol of hope and unity is a must-visit attraction in Kirkwall.

7. Enjoy Locally Sourced Cuisine

Kirkwall boasts an array of delightful restaurants and cafes that take pride in serving locally sourced produce. Indulge in fresh seafood, including Orkney scallops and the famous Orkney beef. Savor traditional Orcadian dishes such as Cullen Skink, a delicious fish soup, or try the local cheeses and craft beers. You’re in for a culinary treat!

8. Explore the Neolithic Sites of Orkney

Orkney is home to numerous Neolithic sites that showcase the island’s ancient history. Explore the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of the Ring of Brodgar and Skara Brae. Wander amidst the stone circles, marvel at the ancient dwellings, and imagine the lives of the people who once inhabited these mystical places. The Neolithic sites of Orkney will transport you back in time.

9. Attend the St Magnus International Festival

If you happen to visit Kirkwall in June, don’t miss the renowned St Magnus International Festival. This annual event celebrates the arts through a series of performances, concerts, and exhibitions. Immerse yourself in the vibrant cultural scene and experience the creativity and talent of local and international artists.

10. Take a Coastal Walk

Kirkwall offers breathtaking coastal walks that allow you to soak in the natural beauty of the Orkney Islands. Take a leisurely stroll along the cliffs, feel the salty sea breeze on your face, and admire the stunning panoramic views of rugged coastlines, peaceful bays, and charming fishing villages. Remember to keep an eye out for seabirds and seals that inhabit the area.

Explore the captivating attractions, embrace the rich history, and savor the local flavors of Kirkwall for an unforgettable adventure. Plan your visit to this enchanting destination and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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