10 best walkouts in UFC history, ranked

Publish date: 2024-05-15

The walkout is an iconic moment for every UFC fighter, for it is during this short walk that fans see the glimmer of a champion in fighters, which often cements their place in the hearts and minds of the MMA world forever.

What makes these walkouts stand out is a combination of the choice of the song chosen by the fighter, their connection with the fans and the fighter’s personality. And over the years, some of these fighters have hit all the right notes and created magic with their walkout routines.

It’s time to take a look at the 10 best walkouts in UFC history.

#10. Brock Lesnar’s viking walk UFC 121

Brock Lesnar was at that point the heavyweight king, having successfully defended his title against Shane Carwain only a few months prior. Lesnar squared off against Cain Velasquez to defend his title at UFC 121.

Lesnar decided to walk out to the legendary song by Metallica- ‘Enter Sandman’, while sporting a rugged beard, Joe Rogan pointed out how Lesnar resembled a Viking heading into battle during the walkout. As a result, his walkout drove the fans into a frenzy, making it a moment to remember in UFC history.

#9. Paddy Pimblett’s UFC London walkout

He’s tough, he’s funny and he sure loves a crowd, Paddy Pimblett is an exciting name in MMA. At UFC London, the scouser couldn’t have felt more at home and the O2 Arena was charged with excitement.

Pimblett walked out to the upbeat and classic party track ‘Heads Will Roll’ by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and the fans gave him a proper welcome. The entire arena sang the song, and as Pimblett entered the octagon, he gestured to the crowds to go higher, and they obliged. Michael Bisping could be heard saying “listen to this crowd, unbelievable”.

#8. Nate Diaz’s walkout to DMX

Nate Diaz had already become a fan favorite by the time he decided to compete at UFC 263.. His intense aversion towards glamor and pageantry and his hardcore fighting spirit had made him a cult hero for the fans.

Diaz decided to pay tribute to the late legendary rapper DMX, who had passed away earlier that year, by walking out to ‘Only I Can Stop The Rain.' As he made his way out, the stadium rocked with cheers and appreciation for the perfect tribute for a great artiste by an ultimate fighter.

#7. Jon Jones’s walkout at UFC 197

Love him or hate him, what you can’t deny is that Jon Jones is one of the all-time greats. His spectacular fighting ability and confidence is unparalleled.

Jones was returning to the octagon after 476 days to fight Ovince Saint Preux in the main event at UFC 197.

A smiling Jones could be seen happy to finally be back as he walked out to the befitting ‘Coming Home’ by Diddy-Dirty Money. The crowd went wild with excitement, and Mike Goldberg summed up the moment with the phrase “it’s not what happens to the man, it’s what the man does when it happens to him”.

#6. ‘The Purge’ walkout by Brian Ortega

At UFC 266 the main event was being headlined by the two most stellar fighters in the featherweight division. Alexander Volkanovski was defending his belt against Brian Ortega, and MMA fans knew they were in for a fight.

The audience were taken by surprise as the theme song from the game ‘The Purge’ began to echo across the arena. Ortega and his entire team walked out donning LED masks, looking quite intimidating. Some felt the choice for the song was meant to signifiy the fact that Ortega was coming to purge the title.

#5. GSP walkout at UFC 129

Georges ‘Rush’ St-Pierre is regarded as one of the greatest mixed martial artists of all time. The discipline, respect and humility that he displayed during his career were amongst the many reasons why he is so deeply respected.

At UFC 129 GSP went up against Jake Shields in his home country of Canada. As the crowds cheered, we were treated to fantastic visuals of the Canadian flag being displayed on screens in the stadium. Right from the moment he walked out, 55,000 people collectively shouted in support, creating one of the most electrifying moments in combat sports.

#4. Colby Covington walks out to ‘You S***k’

Colby Covington is one of the most polarizing figures in MMA, but it is undeniable that the man brings his ‘A’ game to the octagon. He has proven time and again that he has the skills to back up his talk.

On UFC Fight Night: Covington vs. Lawler, Colby surprised the MMA world by walking out to WWE superstar Kurt Angle’s walkout music. The crowd chanted ‘You S**k’ and despite the hatred, fans cheered for Covington. The choice of song was seen as Covington embracing his anti-hero persona in the UFC.

#3. Israel Adesanya’s ‘Undertaker’ walkout

Israel Adesanya is the epitome of charisma, confidence, and champion mentality. Izzy has always liberally used theatrics to match his style and persona, often winning mind games against his opponents well before the fight.

At UFC 276 ‘The Last Stylebender’ was defending his lightweight gold against the formidable Jared Cannonier. Izzy entered the arena sporting ‘The Undertaker’ hat and urn complete with the spooky music, conveying that he was coming to take Connonier’s soul.

#2. Darren Till’s ‘Sweet Caroline’ walkout

If there’s one thing English fans love, it is cheering on their countrymen and women at sporting events and Darren Till, the second scouser to make this list, is clear evidence of that. Having earned his way to the main event, Till was fighting in his hometown of Liverpool.

In a splendid tribute to Liverpool FC, Till walked out to the classic ’Sweet Caroline' by Neil Diamond. As Till made his way out, the crowd sang in chorus, with Till in absolute command of his home crowd, creating an epic walkout.

#1. Conor McGregor’s historic walkout

A name that will forever be associated with the sport of MMA is that of ’The Notorious', Conor McGregor. His achievements in and contributions to MMA are the stuff of legends and he will always be known as one of the greatest of all time.

At UFC 189, McGregor created the most historic walkoutever when he entered the arena to the live rendition of his walkout song ‘The Foggy Dew’ by Sinead O’Connor. The arena cheered in unison like a rock concert and in that moment we knew a champion was born.

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